What Kinda Paint Do You Use?

Well that depends. What kind of paint job or artwork are you looking for? Everybody has there own way of doing things and in the art world there's no lack of multiplicity when it comes to the processes and applications of the craft. In custom painting, when applying artwork that's going to get a clear-coat applied over it for protection, I like to use HOK (House Of Kolor) pinstripe enamels for lettering and pinstripes. For airbrushing under the same circumstances I use a variety of urethane basecoats but mostly Spies Hecker toners. I know of other artists using the brand 1Shot for ALL pinstriping and lettering needs, under and over clear coats. That's to dangerous for my taste. Using an oil based enamel and spraying a urethane clear over it is NOT ideal. I'm not saying it can't be done just that it isn't in the best interest of the parties involved. There are no hard set of rules but there has been a lot of trial and error research that should be listened to and applied in custom painting. It's good to experiment, I do it all the time, mostly with my own projects because who wants to find out "that it doesn't work" while working on a customers project. Not me!